Computer bias is the term used to describe computer systems that systematically discriminate against certain individuals or groups in favor of others.
Computer bias can be very annoying and even offensive. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid it. The first way is to simply test the model to check if it has any bias, before you buy it. This will prevent all potential causes of any bias. Another way is to improve the data in your computer with active learning. This will help it because it will keep learning new things, and it can learn to not have bias.
There are three types of computer bias. The first one is, preexisting bias. It is bias that gets builts into the system becausd the requirements for the software is already bias. Another one is technical bias. It is formed as a result of technical constraints or decisions. Limited space on a display, input devices, and specific algorithms can create bias in the system. Finally, there is emergent bias. This bias is created over time when new users are created and new types of data is added. This bias is very difficutl to predict when the computer is first made.