Misinformation & DisinformationAfter learning the basics of HTML, I created a one page project that tells the difference between misinformation and disinformation. |
Business CardIn this project I put a real life sitation where I need to create a business card for my company. I needed to make it look proffessional, but effective at the same time. |
Joshua's CollageAfter learning how to do absolute and relative positioning, I put a lot of pictures and phrases into a one page project that represented things regarding me. |
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Joshua's Merchandise StoreI combined my math skills and coding skills to create a page where it calculates the total and average cost of someone trying to buy my merchandise. |
Dice ProgramThis program rolls two dice and prints out difference sequences such as only even, only odd, etc. |
Triangle CheckerUsing my geometry and coding skills, this program checks if the inputed lengths create a triangle, and it prints out what type of triangle the lengths will create. |
Circle Bounce UpgradeTaking a step forward from the first circle bounce project, I put in multiple circles with random random sizes and velocities that bounce around inside a canvas. |
X-Treme WebpageI used all my designing and persuasive skills to create a webpage where it makes coding look Xtreme and I even put in a video of myself explaining that coding is so Xtreme. |
HelicopterI created a game where a helicopter moves around with arrow keys to dodge birds. |
Research projectI researched various topics and put it into a website. I found my own website template and edited it to my preferences. |
Number ArrayI pushed out 5000 numbers and found the following: highest & lowest number, average, location, and odds & evens. |
String ProgramThe user can type in words or letters and the program will turn it into all upper and lower case. It will also save the longest and shortest inputs and concatenate them. |